the archive of modern curiosities

Computer man welcome to my website! Computer man

i went to an exhibition today.

off the coast of nowhere, the grey building with the white stripes.

25th, july 11:47pm

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I created this blog to archive totems of our modern era. Today i went to an exhibition that called itself '(AN EXHIBITION OF THE TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS OF WIRELESS ROMANTICISM)/INTERNET GALLERY' which is art wank for 'it's an art piece about the internet'. I decided to check it out in hopes of finding stuff to put in my collection ^_^. The ticket was like 10 bucks so i hope it was worth it >:( so come along and look at this art with me!

Italian Trulli
i took this upon entry...

(erm excuse the date my dad's camera doesn't update the time LOL) as soon as i entered this space i realised that there were like literally no other people around me. (yeeeshh) the space was huge though. i quite literally couldn't see the walls `-`. with no other choice i decided to investigat further (puts on detective hat and smokes a pipe and pulls out magnifying glass ;p )

Italian Trulli
closer :p

ermmmm so this is closer up... kinda crazy i won't lie about that! (scartches head) i was literally so worried that these big tvs would fall down (glad they didn't LOL) (*pulls collar* THAT WOULD'VE BEEN BAD!) they were all playing strange videos but ermmm I'll show those in my other pictures!

Italian Trulli

"WOAH!" that's what I said when i looked up (AHAHAH) like i said before (if you were paying any attention >:( ) there were these HUGE screens with strange videos on them. After inspecting them (with my magnifying glass LOL i haz magnifying glass :p) one screen was like a guy standing with a lot of writing (strange!) and another one was an ART GALLERY !? (MY BRAIN HAZ BROKENZ! ART GALLERY-CEPTION LOL *pulls out microphone* that's an inseption reference for those playing along at home *winks*) and another was a guy drinking a drink ('drinking a drink'? LOL i haz make no senze DERP) now that's one way to get your protein in! and the other one was a guy on his bed in front of a camera! LOL i noticed a television screen so i went over to look at it.

Italian Trulli
hehehehe don't mind if do... hehehe i've been looking to buy a tv!
Italian Trulli

*EYES POP OUT OF HEAD* DOGGOS! I LUV DOGGOS! if you would have told me this exhibit haz cute itty bitty widdle DOGGOS! I WOULD'VE SPENT MORE OF MY MONEY!!(SORRY MOM! ROFLCOPTER) I LUV DOGGOS! this screen was defiantly more interesting than the other ones i gotta say LOL what is your favourite dog breed? if i could make a dog breed it would be called *drumroll* INTRODUCING THE DERP DOG! DUN DUN DUN!!! DERP DOGGG!!! LOL

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Italian Trulli
look over there!!!?


Italian Trulli
look over there!!!?

after exploring for (checks watch) 45 MINUTES? ZOOWEEMAMA THE TIME FLIES WHEN YOUR HAVING DA BEST TIMEZ! and that was the end of my EPIC tour! I hope you hazd the coolest time on dis ADVENTURE! (puts adventure hat on LOL erm wut duz that even mean HAHAH sorry I am so derpy :p LOL) now ermmmm i haz a secret... i don't really know that much about ART *crowd gasp!* yeahhhh i knowwww so i don't really know what to say about DIS ONE! all i can say is that it was PWEDDY KEWL!!!1 LOLOLOLOL anyway if you haz any mo suggestions! send them to my new E-MAIL (BLEEP BLORP! COMPUTERZ!) YEAH I KNOW! we have a new email! my dad bought me a domain to use (CHA CHING!) that's all from me! tank you for visiting dis art galler wit ME! (DERP!) this is me signing out for the day! (salutes!)